Now come with me to Wittenberg and look at this altar piece painted by Lucas Cranach in 1547. This is in the church where Luther often preached and ordained reformation pastors. Luther is on the right, the people of Wittenberg on the left and Christ crucified is in the center. Luther is pointing to the crucified Christ with one hand, the Bible is open on the pulpit. If you came to worship every week and looked at this picture, what would it tell you? Now let me be honest and say there is certainly a REFORMATION AGENDA at work in this piece of worship art. And although I'm more in tuned with its message, it sends a message nonetheless. As Lutherans in America we constantly underestimate the power of the image. What do you see at Our Savior's Lutheran Church on Sunday morning? What don't you see? What images (images aren't always art...sometimes they are placement of people or even empty walls or other symbols) are unconsciously presenting ideas to you? What images should be there? Are their images that might be important but don't really belong in a worship space? Image and worship.....more to follow.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What do you see.....image and worship
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