Friday, March 13, 2015

Keep on knocking....Day 21 Lent 2015

Day 21 Lent 2015

"Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me." Revelation of John 3.20

This is one of the most famous verses in the Revelation of John and has even inspired a famous Christian folk art painting with Jesus at the door.  There is one important part of this painting that I have never liked.  (maybe you do and that's OK).  It is painted with no door knob on Jesus said of the door.  It's supposed to indicate that it's up to us to let Jesus in.  The implication is that if we fail to open the door, then we have lost out on Christ.
Christ knocking at Hearts door, Warner Sallman

I prefer to ponder the image of Christ knocking.  Knocking.  Knocking on each and every door in my life.  It is not that Christ can't come in and stand beside me, for often he does.  In fact in the Resurrection accounts he needed no such invite to be present with his disciples  (see  John 20.19 ).  The point is I think that I am to be reminded that Christ is always there.  Always present.  Always makes himself available.  That being said, he does not force himself into our lives but is always there at the ready.  The point is to keep our ears attuned for the knocking of Christ, that is, to never forget that no matter where we might find ourselves, Jesus is there at the ready to stand beside us.  For more on the painting and a nice explanation click HERE

A prayer for the day:  "Dear Lord, help us to have ears that  hear you knocking at the doors of our lives and may we cherish the gift of your presence. Amen." 

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