Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pretty ordinary lives.....Day 22 Lent 2015

Day 22 Lent 2015

"Soldiers also asked him, “And we, what should we do?” He said to them, “Do not extort money from anyone by threats or false accusation, and be satisfied with your wages.”" Luke 3.14

Soldiers at Qsar el Jehud
The place of Jesus' baptism at the river Jordan
I've always loved this little section of Luke's Gospel where folks who are going out to see John the Baptizer ask for advice as to what they should do to live lives that show their repentance.  That is, how shall our lives show to others what we have come to believe.  John's answer to the crowds, to the tax collectors, and here to the Soldiers is quite...well...nonspiritual.   

He doesn't say that they should go to prayer 5 times a day or perform some rigorous task like climb a mountain or undertake a great journey.  No, they could best show what they've come to believe by allowing it to reflect in how they lived their every day common lives.  In the case of the soldiers, don't use your vocation (and weapons) as a means of intimidation in order to manipulate others and take what is not yours and be content with what you have.  

We often try to make faith way to complicated.  Faith is best served when we translate it into our everyday actions and relationships.  Imagine yourself asking this same question to John the Baptizer.  "And I, what shall I do?"  What do you think John's reply would be?  Then go and do it!

A prayer for the day:  "Dear Lord, help us to live out our faith each and everyday in concrete ways that both serve our neighbor and give glory to you.  Amen."  

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